Voter Resources
How to Contact Your Elected Officials
Voter Information, Organizations, and Charities
Voter Protection Hotlines:
Nationwide: 1-833-336-8683
Español: 1-888-839-8682
Alabama: 1-833-468-6832
Alaska: 1-833-336-8683
Arizona: 1-833-868-3429
Arkansas: 1-501-299-5589
California: 1-877-321-8683
Colorado: 1-720-580-0148
Connecticut: 1-833-336-8683
D.C. : 1-833-336-8683
Delaware: 1-833-335-3367
Florida: 1-833-868-3352
Georgia: 1-888-730-5816
Hawaii: 1-833-336-8683
Idaho: 1-208-866-3844
Illinois: 1-224-990-2200
Indiana: 1-317-261-3820
Iowa: 1-515-293-6860
Kansas: 1-844-578-6837
Kentucky: 1-833-468-6835
Louisiana: 1-225-233-3401
Maine: 1-207-990-0788
Maryland: 1-838-638-6837
Massachusetts: 1-833-336-8683
Michigan: 1-833-648-6837
Minnesota: 1-833-335-8683
Mississippi: 1-855-443-3020
Missouri: 1-314-652-3929
Montana: 1-406-272-4046
Nebraska: 1-531-201-0333
Nevada: 1-888-525-8683
New Hampshire: 1-603-466-8683
New Jersey: 1-877-658-6837
New Mexico: 1-833-664-3367
New York: 1-833-336-8683
North Carolina: 1-833-868-3462
North Dakota: 1-833-336-8683
Ohio: 1-844-644-8683
Oklahoma: 1-833-336-8683
Oregon: 1-877-239-8683
Pennsylvania: 1-833-728-6837
Rhode Island: 1-833-336-8683
South Carolina: 1-855-785-0222
South Dakota: 1-833-336-8683
Tennessee: 1-855-486-8386
Texas: 1-844-898-6837
Utah: 1-833-336-8683
Vermont: 1-844-888-6837
Virginia: 1-844-482-8683
Washington: 1-206-309-8683
West Virginia: 1-833-336-8683
Wisconsin: 1-608-336-3232
Wyoming: 1-833-336-8683
Other Voter Hotlines
Call 1-844-872-0234 and enter your zip code to be instantly connected with your State and Federal Representatives and Senator
Text RESIST to 50409 for help contacting your Elected Officials
Call The Election Protection Hotline at 1-866-687-8683 to report any voting issues, poll site violations, or if anyone tries to stop you from voting.
Election Protection Hotline (Spanish): 888-839-8682
Election Protection Hotline (Asian Languages): 888-274-8683
Election Protection Hotline (Arabic): 844-925-5287
Call the U.S. Department of Justice Voting Rights Hotline at 1-800-253-3931 to report any voting issues, poll site violations, or if anyone tries to stop you from voting.
White House switchboard: 202-456-1414
White House Comments Line: 202-456-1111
U.S. Capitol switchboard: 202-224-3121
Felony Disenfranchisement
The Florida Rights Restoration Coalition - People convicted of a felony in Florida can fully complete their sentence, but still be denied the right to vote unless they have money. 100% of donations to the FRRC will help pay off the fines preventing people from voting.
The Free Hearts Fines and Fees Fund - Assists Tennessee felons by helping pay outstanding fines and fees in order to restore their voting rights.
The Tennessee Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers - The TACDL will go to court and ask for indigent status to dismiss court fines that may be preventing Tennessee Felons from having their voting rights restored. Just email to be matched with a lawyer in their area of the State.
Campaign Legal Center - Works to restore voting rights to people with past convictions in Alabama, Arizona, Iowa, Nevada, and Tennessee by providing direct voting rights restoration services.
The Sentencing Project - A research and advocacy center working to promote reforms in sentencing policy.
Local ACLU Offices - The ACLU has a nationwide network of offices in every State with resources to help disenfranchised felons.